This is the closet in my master bedroom, which was my ex-boyfriend's closet. (My closet is actually inside the master bathroom). I've always wanted two things: a dedicated garb closet, and not to have towels in my clothing closet.
So now I have that! Gowns on the left, chemises and braies folded on hangers underneath behind the gowns, a little dresser and some baskets/boxes for bits and pieces, and all of my towels on the lower shelf. (Top shelf is boring storage for random stuff) .
On the right side is this double café curtain rod set which I purchased at the dollar store for a whole whopping *dollar* (guess that's why they call it that). Here are my veils, belts, and pairs of sleeves, clipped to the rods where I can see them at a glance, and grab them easily and quickly while I'm picking out my outfits for an event and packing them up. Ta-da!
Meanwhile, I will continue work on:
- another small, painted box
- a large painted box
- a 12th century pendant-sleeve gown
- a Tudor corset
Back soon!
hmmm dead fish, I just had one, send more!