16 August 2022

SCA: Heraldic Chest: Refit

 I built this little chest in 2014, I think, and it’s undergone a lot of different finishes.  It was stained, then painted about six times - the last time I painted it with my heraldry (2019), as you can see in this pic: 

Sadly, the polyurethane I used to seal it turned really yellow really quickly, and it looked just awful. I could have just painted it black again, but some of the paint edges and detail would have shown through the paint, so I decided to strip it back to the wood and start over. 

I stripped all the paint off and then sanded it clean, then re-stained the whole thing and clear-coated it, this time using Polycrylic, which doesn’t yellow like Polyurethane does. I also gave the inside a fresh coat of black paint, and painted the handles with gilding paint to cover up the crappy gold spray paint job they had before.  

I have no idea what kind of wood that is, by the way. It’s plywood from a wooden shipping crate I picked up for free a million years ago - the whole thing looked like that. 

I may still throw some heraldry onto it, but I haven’t yet decided what exactly to do.  For now, this little chest will return to duty holding my camping supplies - mallets, stakes, flashlights, etc.  I’m trying to weed out all the plastics from my camping gear: wood boxes instead of Rubbermaid tubs, baskets and canvas bags instead of plastic sacks and Ikea bags.  

1 comment:

  1. Omg! You're back (and with a bunch of new posts)! I'm so glad you seem to be doing well. :)


Hooray, comments! Be nice to each other, and to me. Or I shall boot your ass and then mail you a dead fish. :D