20 November 2019

A Case to Put It Into

The last thing I did over the weekend was fix up a small wooden box to use as a jewelry box for all my Viking jewelry.  A lot of it is big and clunky (brass brooches, arm bands) and doesn't fit into the soft cloth jewelry pouch I've been using anymore. 

So I purchased a $4 wooden box and some adhesive-backed felt sheets and made a new jewelry box:

For right now all I had time to do was stain this box and clearcoat it, but I want to paint it one day - maybe a Jelling dragon design, or a Jormungandr (Midgard Serpent) - so I made sure to make this as smooth and clean as possible, so that painting on it will be easy when I get to it.  

I have to say, I'm loving the adhesive-backed felt sheets I found for this project.  I never had any idea they CAME with adhesive backing - I've always used plain felt fabric or velveteen in boxes, and adhered them to the wood with messy spray adhesive.  This was GREAT!

And I love my little box.  It was such a ridiculously simple project, but I love it all the same.  And there's room in there to grow my jewelry collection, too - more beads!  Must collect all the beads.

Okay, so BAM starts tomorrow!  See you fine folks on the flip side - and some of you I'll see there!

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